domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

dear suzie...

"I used to know this girl named Suzie Marlango. And her brother´s band name was Joe Marlango. Joe always wanted to kill me. He sang in a bancalled the Rodbenders. Suzie Marlango used to wear these angora sweaters. I´m crazy about angora sweaters... I guess it´s kind of a hang-up of mine. She had angora socks, and angora shoes. I believe she was originally from Angora. I don´t know where she is anymore, but every time I see an angora sweater, I think maybe inside will be Suzie Marlango. He-he-he... Maybe she´s in New Orleans. Well, I´ll be there..."

Tom Waits
(Cold beer on a hot night/Romeo is bleeding, Sydney 1979)
Intro for "I wish I was in New Orleans"


...y todo empezó por la chica del jersey de angora

1 comentario:

Federico Calabuig dijo...


Me alegro que te haya gustado el blog...

..y que compartamos sitio favorito de París y a Suzie y los jerseys de angora.
